Monday, January 21, 2013

Love Anticipates

"None ever sought Me in vain.  I wait, wait with a hungry longing to be called upon; and I, who have already seen your hearts' needs before you cried upon Me, before perhaps, you were conscious of those needs yourself, I am already preparing the answer.

It is like a Mother, who is setting aside suitable gifts for her daughter's wedding, before Love even has come into the daughter's life.

The Anticipatory Love of God is a thing mortals seldom realize.  Dwell on this thought.  Dismiss from your minds the thought of a grudging God, who had to be petitioned with sighs and tears and much speaking before reluctantly He loosed the desired treasures.  Man's thoughts of Me need revolutionizing.

Try and see a Mother preparing birthday or Christmas delights for her child - the while her Mother-heart sings:  'Will she not love that?  How she will love this!'  and anticipates the rapture of her child, her own heart full of the tenderest joy.  Where did the Mother learn all this preparation-joy?  From Me - a faint echo of My preparation-joy.

Try to see this as plans unfold of My preparing.  It means much to Me to be understood, and the understanding of Me will bring great joy to you."

~Jesus speaks, in God Calling

We have several birthdays coming up in our house, and I've been thinking about what gifts would bring my children the greatest happiness.  So, this resonates with me.  I am planning great things for my children that they know nothing about.  Because I love them, I delight in coming up with ways to make them happy.  And Jesus says here, that my "preparation-joy" is a faint echo of His own.  Can you imagine?!! 

I feel like a child at Christmastime - Imagining all of the wonderful plans God must have for me!  Not only because I know the joy of preparing gifts for my loved ones, but because I have also received them.  In fact, I just received one of His well-prepared gifts this Saturday.  My Regnum Christi group hosted a "Women's Day of Reflection".  I volunteered to sing and was asked to conclude the program with an overview of the day.  So, I did.  And, that a gift from God! 

As you already know, one of my passions is to collect quotes and ideas that inspire me, and share them.  Normally, this blog is one of my few means to do that.  So, an opportunity to do it in a room full of women, face-to-face, was a great joy!  Most often, I love God by indirect means.  By loving and serving others.  But, on Saturday, I got to sing and speak for Him and about Him, directly.  I was able to use my God-given gifts and give them back to Him.  And, now, after reading about God's Anticipatory Love, I know that that was a gift He prepared for me.

Dear Heavenly Father,  Thank you for preparing beautiful things and opportunities for those You love!!!  Thank you for continually revealing Yourself to us, through those who will listen to You.  I'm sorry for all of the times I've considered times of great joy as something coincidental or unintended by You.  I'm sorry for underestimating Your Love.  I'm sorry for thinking of You as the judge who finally grants the widow's wishes, but only because of her persistence.  I am in awe of Your Love.  Thank you for reminding me that I cannot carry my confidence in You too far.  I love you!  Amen.   


  1. Oh I loved this post today. What an awesome idea to contemplate. I truly appreciate your posts. With the lack of routine in my life right now, I appreciate being spiritually fed here.

    1. Thank you, Sarah! I will try to wrap-up most of our Endow lessons here, so you can reap the fruit from those discussions, too. Our first meeting was today, so I'm already a little behind! :(

    2. I forgot to tell you, we missed you today!
