Sunday, August 26, 2012

Summer Report Card

I'm getting ready to go to bed and wanted to wrap up the last day of summer with a few thoughts. A quick review of things gone by and anticipation of things to come. Those bittersweet emotions seem to be stirring and they are always well-timed as seasons change and life changes, for good. One door closes and another one opens.

If I had to grade our summer as the door shuts, I'd probably give it a B. Not the most exciting, but plenty of down time with lots of good stuff thrown in. The highlights were swimming, swimming, and more swimming, roller skating (boys' new favorite thing to do), going to the lake in our "junky old boat", a trip to Kansas and a daytrip to the beach. Otherwise, there was lots of Lego-building, reading (unfortunately, they still aren't self-motivated here, but they will do just about anything for video game time -and 30 minutes for 30 minutes works great at our house), Frisbee, Monopoly, and Sequence dotted about, and watching the A-team and eating popcorn after dinner. If you've never heard a 3-year-old white boy talk like Mr. T, we need to get together! 

My least favorite thing was trying to keep the big boys quiet while the youngest one napped. I think this has been my least favorite thing since I've had more than one child - roughly 6 years. Consequently, the thing I am most looking forward to is having the QUIET during that time, starting tomorrow.

If I could have done anything differently, I would have been more patient and less selfish (especially during those quiet times). Generally, the same things I would change at the end of every day. Does it ever get easier? Come more naturally? I'm starting to realize they stop asking so much of me before I meet my potential for selfless giving, so the best way for me to practice is to offer myself without being asked.

I wish I would have been more charitable with the neighbor boy, who would often arrive at 9am and not leave until we "kicked him out" at supper time. He had parents at home, but no siblings, and he preferred (and prefers) to be here. However, I also wish I would have been more restrictive about the amount of time he spent here. For 99% of the summer, this seemed like a contradiction to me - To be charitable and to be limiting. However, too much time lead to increased fights, boys who didn't listen as well, a messier house, and a tired husband.  I would have loved him (and my family) better if I would have limited his time here; I wouldn't have been as frustrated by his continual presence and I would have felt more in control of the environment in my home.

I hate it that I don't have a boundless supply of love to give.  I hate it that, at times, my heart feels stony and cold and little sacrifices seem huge.  But, I am not surprised.  I know I am more loving now than I was a year ago, and way more than 10 years ago.  So, I'm encouraged by the progress, but it's much harder to see moving forward.  The nearer I draw to Christ, the more love I will have to give.  Simple, but not easy.

So, here's to you and your summer report cards.  It's okay if you didn't get an A+, but I'll bet you didn't fail, either!

Dear God of All Time and Seasons, Thank you for the summer that ends today.  Thank you for the memories that we'll carry for the rest of our lives.  Thank you for the confidence gained as the boys learned they could touch the bottom in the deep end.  Thank you for letting us "go deep" and bringing us to the surface again.  Even the bubbles are trying to get to You!  Please give me the grace to be the mother that my boys need.  Please increase their desire to know and love You and to bring Your love to others.  Please keep us safe and free from harm.  You are so faithful and Your watchfulness so enduring.  Thank you.  I love you.  Amen. 

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