The haircut.
It came up again tonight at the dinner table.
Nothing can make my eyes sting and shut down my ability to speak like the thought of it.
Ironic, because I wanted it to be cut so many times before now.
But not now.
When that hair is cut, I will see the man we are sending off to bootcamp. Our Marine. Off he will go after he graduates high school. Less than two months from now.
The long-haired boy that lives in our home will leave with short hair. He will be a visitor in our home from then on.
A Proud-parent-of-a-Marine sticker. I tried to explain all of the other options and he just looked at me with pity.
He was only 12, but it was already years in the making. If there was an opportunity to dress up, he already knew what he would be wearing. I think he is 9 here...
As his mother, I can only support his decision, and try to soak up the early mornings and late nights - when he is still of a mind to eat breakfast with his Mom, lay on my lap, and be tickled like the little boy he once was. I have countless pictures of these times, lest I forget...
When he was two-years-old, I came home from work to a little boy who had a haircut by his well-meaning Daddy. Little blond curls off and short hair on.
I cried. It was a terrible surprise. I still have those locks in a ziplock baggie somewhere. Not sure if that is sentimental or just gross at this point. Probably both.But I learned something. Surprise haircuts are bad (for me).
Another haircut is coming and I have to face it head on. Probably need to watch it happen. And cry.
But whenever it is, I hope not to be surprised.
It occurs to me that I have never dreaded something for so long. I'm pretty sure that makes me one of the lucky ones. There are a lot worse things than haircuts, of course.
God bless all who serve, their mothers, their fathers, their barbers, and all who love them.